Infection Control Annual Statement


Infection Prevention Control Annual Statement




This annual statement will be generated each year in February in accordance with the requirement of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. It summarises:

·         Any infection transmission incidents and any actions taken

·         Details of infection control audits undertaken and resulting actions taken

·         Details of any risk assessments undertaken for prevention and control of infection

·         Staff education and training

·         Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidance

·         Antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship


Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Lead

IPC Nursing lead: Teresa Warwicker – Practice Nurse

IPC GP lead: Dr P Warwicker

Antimicrobial prescribing Lead:  Dr R Verma

Sepsis Lead: Dr R Verma

ICB Lead: Natalie Warman

IPC Support and queries:


Infection transmission incidents (Significant Events)

Significant events (may involve examples of good practice as well as challenging events) are

investigated in detail to determine what can be learnt and indicate changes that might lead to future improvements.

All significant events are reviewed in monthly staff meetings and learning is cascaded to all relevant staff.


There were no significant events relating to Infection Control in the last 12 months.


Infection Prevention Audit and Actions

The Annual Infection Prevention and Control audits were completed by T Warwicker in August 2023 and February 2024.

As a result of these audits, the following actions were taken:


·         Patient Triage for infection risks continues particularly in light of the ongoing confirmed cases of Measles.  Notices are displayed in reception relating to infections e.g. Rash/Respiratory symptoms/Covid-19; Diarrhoea/sickness.

·         National Infection Prevention and Control Manual for England (NIPCM): October 2023 version put on IPC notice board. It reiterates the 10 Elements of Standard Infection control precautions (SICPS) see also the GMC Code of Practice.

·         IPC Staff information 2024: updated and put up in all areas of the practice.

·          Waste Management: Updated information posters on the appropriate coloured bags to use for allocation of clinical/domestic/recyclable waste in all rooms and stocked with the relevant bags.

·         Hand Hygiene Posters displayed in all areas of the practice to remind staff, this remains the most important factor in reducing the risk of transmission of infectious agents.

·         Upgrading of room 1and 2 IPC equipment in next door building for potential use as patient consultation room.


An audit on Minor Surgery was carried out by Dr R Verma, less than 2% infections were reported, which is under the national guidance of 5%.  Next minor surgery audit will be carried out July 2024.

A hand Hygiene audit was undertaken in February 2024, this was discussed in a Clinical meeting and the relevant posters displayed.


The Grove Medical Centre practice plans to undertake the following audits in 2024

·         Annual Infection Prevention and Control

·         Minor Surgery

·         Hand Hygiene

·         Cleaning Standards


Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established. In the last year the following risk assessments were carried out/reviewed:


Legionella (Water) Risk Assessment: In line with cleanliness assurance (Safe Management of the Care Environment), the practice conducts a monthly water safety risk assessment to ensure the water supply does not pose a risk to patients, visitors or staff.


Waste Management: As per the NHS Clinical Waste Strategy 2023, the Grove medical centre continues to make changes in its waste management practices.

This practice has registered with the RCGP Green Impact for Health. It provides a toolkit to aid the practice improve its sustainability, reduce its harmful impact on planetary health; adapt to the risks of climate change.


Safe Management of Staff health and wellbeing to manage infection prevention and control.

This practice has processes in place to risk manage new and existing staff to assist them in their role within the practice e.g. risk assessment of need for immunisation; health screening; use of personal protective equipment (PPE); access to occupational health services.

Cleaning specifications, frequencies and cleanliness: the practice provides and maintains cleaning schedules that facilitate the prevention and control of infections. These are checked daily.


An annual deep clean of the practice is due in July 2024.



·         All staff receive annual training in infection prevention and control

·         All clinical and non-clinical staff have completed blue stream e-learning training

·         All staff receive updates at monthly meetings and via the IPC notice board

·         IPC is integrated into the induction process for all staff

·         IPC lead attends quarterly Practice Nurse IPC Forums organised by Surrey Heartlands ICB



All Infection Prevention and Control related policies are in date for this year.

These policies are available to all staff.

They are reviewed and amended on an ongoing basis in line with current advice, guidance and legislation changes.

All IPC policies are discussed with staff on an annual basis.



It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this statement and their roles and responsibilities under this.


Antimicrobial Prescribing and Stewardship

Antimicrobials are a group of agents that either kill or inhibit the growth and division of micro-organisms. They include antibiotics, antiseptic, disinfectants, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitic medicines. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) describes when micro-organisms evolve over time and no longer respond to any antimicrobial therapy.

The solution to reducing further AMR is Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS), this is a healthcare wide system approach to promote and monitor judicious use of antimicrobials to preserve their future effectiveness.

·         The practice has systems in place to manage and monitor the use of antimicrobials e.g.  monitoring patients who may have severe infections such as sepsis to ensure they are treated promptly with suitable antimicrobials. Sepsis is reviewed at every monthly staff meeting and outcomes discussed.

·         The lead for sepsis and AMS attend monthly educational meetings where audits/prescribing events are analysed and best practice established.

·         The practice follows the NICE Summary of Antimicrobial prescribing guidance – managing common infections ( February 2023) and the RCGP antimicrobial guidance (January 2024).

·         The practice works in line with the Surrey Heartlands ICB Antimicrobial Optimisation Group which produces quarterly Microbial Matters Newsletters. This is distributed to all clinical staff.

·         Practice prescribers work closely with in-house pharmacists and lead PCN pharmacists to ensure standardisation of antimicrobial prescribing.

·         The practice promotes national antimicrobial awareness on its website as and when this arises.

·         The practice follows the Surrey Heartlands ICB Wound Management Formulary which promotes evidence based guidance on wound management and topical antimicrobials.

·         Best practice information is disseminated to all staff via monthly meetings.


Review Date

February 2025